The steamer which crossed the Pacific from Yokohama to San Francisco made a direct connection with that from Hong Kong, and it could not sail until the latter reached Yokohama; and if Mr. Fogg was twenty-four hours late on reaching Yokohama, this time would no doubt be easily regained in the voyage of twenty-two days across the Pacific. He found himself, then, about twenty-four hours behind-hand.
My Blog
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array, string given in /customers/6/2/6/
Stack trace:
#0 /customers/6/2/6/ implode(Array, ',')
#1 /customers/6/2/6/ oxy_adjacent_post_where('WHERE p.post_da...')
#2 /customers/6/2/6/ WP_Hook->apply_filters('WHERE p.post_da...', Array)
#3 /customers/6/2/6/ apply_filters('get_previous_po...', 'WHERE p.post_da...', true, '', 'oxy_testimonial...', Object(WP_Post))
#4 /customers/6/2/6/ get_adjacent_post(true, '', true, 'oxy_testimonial...')
#5 /customers/6/2/6/ require('/customers/6/2/...')
#6 /customers/6/2/6/ load_template('/customers/6/2/...', false, Array)
#7 /customers/6/2/6/ locate_template(Array, true, false, Array)
#8 /customers/6/2/6/ get_template_part('partials/blog/p...', 'single-testimon...')
#9 /customers/6/2/6/ require('/customers/6/2/...')
#10 /customers/6/2/6/ load_template('/customers/6/2/...', false, Array)
#11 /customers/6/2/6/ locate_template(Array, true, false, Array)
#12 /customers/6/2/6/ get_template_part('partials/blog/l...')
#13 /customers/6/2/6/ require('/customers/6/2/...')
#14 /customers/6/2/6/ load_template('/customers/6/2/...', false, Array)
#15 /customers/6/2/6/ locate_template(Array, true, false, Array)
#16 /customers/6/2/6/ get_template_part('partials/blog/l...', 'right-sidebar')
#17 /customers/6/2/6/ include('/customers/6/2/...')
#18 /customers/6/2/6/ require_once('/customers/6/2/...')
#19 /customers/6/2/6/ require('/customers/6/2/...')
#20 {main}
thrown in /customers/6/2/6/ on line 1695